Technology » Coding Activities

Coding Activities

Coding Activities 

Kindergarten First Grade
Second Grade

Instructions: Begin with Dance Class, then make up your own dance!
Instructions: Click on 'Schools', then Hour of Code to get started!
Instructions: Click on the controller to get started!
Instructions: Complete the Minecraft tutorials to learn basic coding to create new Minecraft worlds!
3rd-5th Grades
Instructions: Choose your coding level and puzzle or project!
Instructions: Click on the controller to get started!
Instructions: Begin with Dance Class, then make up your own dance!
Instructions: Watch the instructional video, enter your age, then begin the challenge to create your own dance party!
Instructions: Watch the video, then click the X to close the window and begin coding!
Instructions: If you are a little more experienced in coding, try the loops challenges!
Instructions: Complete the coding lessons to save Christmas!
Instructions: Complete the Minecraft tutorials to learn basic coding to create new Minecraft worlds!