All About SJE » Title I Information

Title I Information

San Jacinto Elementary is designated as a School Wide Title 1 School, which means that we have a higher than average number of students with economic needs who qualify for free or reduced lunch living in our attendance area. Because of that, we receive extra funding to assist students with these needs. We use that money for the following purposes:

  • Additional teachers and/or teacher aides to provide individualized attention and additional instructional support services
  • Extra training and staff development for our teachers to help us better meet the needs of our students
  • Parental involvement activities, such as Family Nights, Literacy Nights, parent training, and other special events
  • Additional instructional materials to help us better meet the needs of our students
  • Extended day for programs for students with specific needs
  • Substitute teachers to allow teachers time for planning and collaboration

Staff development and parental involvement minimum amounts are pre-determined by the state, and the remaining amount is left to the discretion of the local Campus Improvement Committee (CIC). Title 1 budgets must be approved by the CIC each year. Parents are invited to give input regarding the school's proposed use of Title 1 funds. If you have suggestions or questions, please contact Mrs. Evans at (832) 668-7900 or email at [email protected].